NPP的VIIRS M7頻道(0.865μm)的觀測資料。分別是加州林林大火發生前後的影像(左圖August 13, 2013,右圖August 30, 2013)。 |
For example, following significant fire damage, water is more likely to run off, and less likely to be absorbed into the soil surface, hence decreasing the amount of rain needed to produce flooding, dangerous landslides and debris flows.若是照字面上直譯:
例如,顯著火災損壞之後,水更容易容易產生涇流,並且更不容易被吸收到土壤表面,因此減少了產生洪水、危險的山體滑坡和泥石流災害需要的雨量。以上的內容來自GOES-R的文件《GOES-R ABI Fact Sheet Band 3 (The “vegetation" near-infrared band) The “need to know” Advanced Baseline Imager reference guide for the NWS forecaster》